The compliance policies are increasingly being applied in the companies, and without any doubts, possess a fundamental role in all the organizations that aim to propitiate transparency and reliability to any activity which perhaps, are from their respective natures.The compliance strives not only for a clear and decisive vision of the current legislation in the country, but also instructs all the collaborators about which conducts they should have according to which situation.

Many companies currently, only accept the performing of transactions with suppliers that possess policies of compliance already established for all the collaborators in the organization.

In this aspect, what would be the importance of technological environment for a compliance policy?

Which are the technological points that must be observed for the adoption of the compliance?

It is over these and of other points that we will build this article.


Firstly, it is necessary that we understand that the guidelines associated to the compliance are directly in consonance to the applicable laws of the country, and possess the intent of helping all the collaborators with all the necessary themes, as well as helping them with the recommendations.

It is worth highlighting that despite the current legislation in the country being accessible to all the citizens, it is important that a policy of compliance reinforce such themes, indicating moreover, situations that must be observed, mainly in what is referred to the anti-corruption policies and providence of goods, products and services to public entities.

With this, let us see on the following some elements that must be observed in the application of the guidelines of compliance:

Trainings and certificate of conclusion

It is indispensable that all the collaborators in the company are able to perform periodical trainings about the compliance, as well as to be subjected to conclusion tests. It will guarantee that the knowledge of the compliance policy will be propagated correctly, and updated frequently.

Access to the communication channel relative to the compliance

It is fundamental that all the collaborators have conscience about how they will be able to report, in case of query handling, or even in the sending of reports about possible irregularities identified. For the correct evaluation of requisitions, it must be nominated a responsible committee.

Disclosure about the compliance policy for the collaborators, clients and suppliers

It is important that all the professionals involved with the company possess knowledge about the compliance policy that it possesses. This knowledge can be obtained, through regular campaigns which aim to emphasize that the company in question, possess defined guidelines about the compliance.

Besides the points that we saw above, it is fundamental that the company possess a technological environment propitious that allow the diminishing of any gaps which aim to cause damage to the compliance policy of the company.


A favorable technological environment requires that several points are observed and considered, among which we are able to quote:

Visibility of the traffic of the network data

With the intuit of supporting whether with an internal investigation or even with a policy of information security, the visibility of the traffic of the network data, is without any doubts essential. For such, it is important that your company is able to identify promptly all the aspects related to the traffic of the network of data, such as, for example, which are the sites that the users access the most, or if there is any suspect traffic in the network.

The absence of visibility of the network traffic of data, can cause several problems for the company, which affect the policy of compliance, such as:

  • The absence of evidence of access to suspected pages.
  • Lack of visibility about the consumption of traffic realized.
  • Breaches of security for attacks.
  • Wastes of financial resources.
  • Interactions in pages of non-authorized content.

Utilization of certified applications by the IT technical team

The utilization of certified applications by the IT team, aim to guarantee that the technical team have total control over the utilization of these, such, for example, the files transfered, or even if the communication is occurring between users that are from the same company.

The utilization of non-certified applications by the IT team, can open breaches of security, and consequently exposing an information in an illegal manner.

With that, it is important that only the certified applications by the IT team, are utilized by the collaborators, being that the others should be blocked automatically, in other words, the collaborators must not have privileges which enable the installation of such.

Mechanisms of authentication with security 

It is important that your company is able to evaluate the possibility of implementation of mechanisms of security, for the accesses that the users need to perform to certain pages or systems in the company.

An example of this is the utilization of a method of authentication based in the approval of the access through the use of another device, such as a smartphone.

This method is known as the MFA (multi-factor authentication) which aims to propitiate an additional layer of security, which in the example above would be another device.


As we are able to observe in the course of this article, the technological environment possesses a very important and strategic role for the success of implementation of a compliance policy.

It is fundamental that your company is able to evaluate if it reunites all the technological tools which propitiate the guaranteeing that the policy of compliance will be correctly followed and will have all the resources necessary for that the actions of prevention or of action, are taken in due time.

The success of implementation of a policy of compliance, depends among other factors, of a propitious technological environment with adequate tools which enable the availability of all the necessary resources for the corresponding teams.

In this sense, there are no doubts about the importance of investing in network management. Therefore, we are able to bring not only benefits for the visibility of the infrastructure, but also a way of guaranteeing fundamental information for the application of the compliance.

Thinking about that,  Telcomanager, leader in Latin America in the sector of software for network management, since 2002 in the market with a unique and innovative methodology, makes available smart solutions for the monitoring of data in order to provide complete visibility to the infrastructure of the client, allowing your Company to accompany the main aspects of your network.