The utilization of cabling of network structured for new installations on corporative environments or industries, without doubts, need a well-defined project and disposing of specific characteristics necessary for the installation to be successful.

This requires not only the knowledge of physical characteristics of the places involved, but also the availability of an adequate planning, towards ends so that all devices are able to communicate properly.

Considering the rapid evolution of the IoT devices, it is fundamental that the company possesses an installation of network that is adequate, which allows not only for the implementation of the communication between the devices, but also flexibilizing the geographic availability of the installation of such, as well as still, guaranteeing the necessary quality.

In this aspect, with the intent of facilitating not only one installation, but also the communication between devices, the Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) technology has been introduced.


Basically, in a summarized way, the SPE technology is about the utilization of the Ethernet standard, however with only one single pair of wires in the cabling, to perform the transmission of data.

The SPE technology has been defined in the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) through the IEEE 802.3cg standard.

However, before we go deeper in the theme, let us recapitulate in a summarized way, the evolution of the Ethernet technology.


In the middle of the decade of 1980, the Ethernet technology has been standardized in the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). The objective of this technology, has been basically, allowing the connection of computers and several other devices inside a local environment.

This local environment is about the LAN (Local Area Network) environment widely known in the current days by companies. Such environment is capable of connecting several devices, allowing that the users can be able not only to create new information, as well as also sharing and storing them.

Inside the OSI (Open System Interconnection) model, the technology Ethernet (in the standard IEEE 802.3) defined the two first layers, being the first, the Physical layer and the second, the one of Linkage (Data Link).


Greater flexibility for the installation

The utilization of cables with a single pair of wires allows that the necessary space for the passage of the cabling can be smaller if we consider the traditional cabling with four pairs of wires.

Reduction in the weight of the cabling

The reduction of the weight of the cabling is also a very important point that must be considered. With a single pair of wires it is possible to perform installations on structures where there are limitations in what is referred to the sustenance of the installed elements.

Feeding of devices

Summed to the flexibility for the installation, the utilization of the SPE brings with itself the PoDL – Power over Data Line, standard that is similar to the Power over Ethernet (PoE) standard that we know currently. In this manner, it is possible besides transmitting the network, to electrically feed the devices and with that diminish the necessity of utilization of sources for external powering.

Higher outreach

The SPE (10-BASE-T1L) model possesses the reach of up to 1km, considering the velocity of 10Mbps, while the Ethernet conventional model possesses the limitation of up to 100 meters. Without doubts, the reach of up to 1km, allows the utilization of cabling in several scenarios, being able to diminish drastically the costs with the implantation, as well as with the maintenance.


As we can observe, there are benefits considered very important in the adoption of the SPE technology. However, there are some points that must be observed. We can quote as an example, the connectors, that are not of the same RJ-45 standard.

Although it is still about a technology considerably recent, it is natural that the companies need some time to be able to perform a study, as well as, a previous analysis about a possible adoption.

The evolution of the communication between the devices, naturally can contribute for an adoption that is quicker of the SPE, however, each scenery must be analyzed individually, according to prerequisites early identified.

It is worth to highlight still, finally, that for the infrastructure to be acquired can be implemented correctly, it becomes necessary to know the technical characteristic of the project, as well as having the necessary definitions over the materials that will be utilized, according to standards previously established.

In this sense, there is no doubts about the importance of having investments in network management. Bringing therefore not only benefits to the visibility of networks but also being a way to guarantee greater governance.

Thinking of that, Telcomanager present in the market since 2002, and a leading Latin America brand in the sector of software for managing networks. Also counting with a unique and innovative technology, deploying smart solutions in the monitoring of data that will provide a stratified vision of the traffic, is now allowing your Company to follow the most important aspects of your network, in real time.